Radio Free Blissville is a short film made in 2009 directed by J.F. Culhane.
A version of the short premiered at the Anthology Film Archives NewFilmmakers series in New York City. It is the starting point of a longer feature project called Transmission888.
NOTE: This short should be played on decent speakers or listened to via headphones for the full effect.
Radio Free Blissville follows a quixotic pirate radio cult in a post information city called Blissville where internet and satellite communications have been compromised.
A leader in the movement is the crippled Lenox and his faithful driver Stu who broadcast from a roving car. They endlessly circle neighborhoods and districts, reading dedications, playing uplifting music, doing on the spot interviews, and passing along pertinent information to their community until their power or sanity runs out.
Ultra Precog Weirdness in Blissville
- Lenox ”“ Andrew Hampsas
- Ernie ”“ Baqi Abdush-Shaheed
- Sonya ”“ Marina Julia Neary
- Carl ”“ Joe Lihach
- Dixie ”“ Julie Rhinos
- Stu ”“ X.F. Pine
- Majestic ”“ Peter Nappi
- Produced and Directed by J.F. Culhane
- Written by J.F. Culhane & Andrew Hampsas
- Photography by Peter Nappi
- Titles: David Reynolds
- Satellites: The Cotter Clan
- Editorial Consultant: Florence Holdeman
Sound and Music
- “Rebel Yell” Performed By – A.B. Do Well
Written by Baqi Abdush-Shaheed and TK Lawrence - Heavycreme Musics
- The Center for Audio Visual Research
- nickname: Rebel
- Patrick Heilman
- Rex84project
- Humwawa
- Null
- Rotary Hammer
Creative Commons Sound Effects By:
- 833_45
- acclivity
- digitopia
- cognito perceptu
- Chris Knight Recordings
- DJ Chronos
- inchadney
- Koen
- medialint
- Percy Duke
- Marcus Horndt
- shnur
HF Propagation Tool – Sunspot and Solar Data Panels
ShortwavePirate.Info – Informational Portal
Pirate Radio Central – Awesome Resource
Documentary – Pirate Radio USA
PC Broadcasting Software
Grundig World Receivers