Heard firsthand on the street in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. (Actual Conversation):
Man has a clipboard and confronts an old woman.
MAN: Well, If you don’t want to sign the petition, it’s up to you.
OLD WOMAN: That’s right.
MAN: It’s a”¦
OLD WOMAN: You can’t make ME!!!
MAN: Fine.
OLD WOMAN: I’m not going to sign it!!!
MAN: You don’t have”¦
OLD WOMAN: That’s dirty money”¦
MAN: Mammm”¦
OLD WOMAN: Regan wipes his ass with my money!!!
MAN: I’m not trying to”¦
OLD WOMAN: He took it from me and he’s wiping his ass with it.
MAN: I’m sorry.
OLD WOMAN: He took it”¦ You RAT-MEN took it!!!
MAN: I”¦
OLD WOMAN: You RAT-MEN. You stay away from me!!!
MAN: Just”¦
OLD WOMAN: You RAT-MEN. You took my money”¦ RAT-MEN with your cocks!!!
MAN: Be”¦
OLD WOMAN: RAT-MEN ”¦ I want my money back. You can’t take it. You’ll see.
Man with clipboard leaves defeated.
OLD WOMAN: You RAT-MEN can’t get away”¦
– X.F. Pine