

THY GLAMOUR AND THY GLORY – Cough Park Compact Discs

RECENT Here is the long awaited coughpark15 mix from the summer! See the bandcamp for the writeups. MIX15 - THY ... Version 23

This is about the 23rd version of this monstrosity of a website called SPILLWAY.COM. This site started out as a ...

Hidden Alignments Documentary – NYC Masonic Obelisks

This is a short documentary about the curious alignments of a few Masonic Obelisks in New York City. A transcript ...

Mayan Cyclical Calendar

UPDATE 2020: The original calendar was created and animated in Adobe Flash, but now needs to be converted into HTML5 ...

The Orion Correlation Theory via Google Earth

I've always been obsessed with Pyramids and Pseudoscientific Pyramidology. A theory I've heard about over years is the correlations between ...