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THY GLAMOUR AND THY GLORY – Cough Park Compact Discs
RECENT Here is the long awaited coughpark15 mix from the summer! See the bandcamp for the writeups. MIX15 - THY ...
My Favorite Obsessive Youtube Channels Pt 2
After the pandemic hijinks that was COVID I hyperfocused on more obsessive youtube channels. This is a followup to part ...
Planet C – Plays and Scripts including Transmission888
The genesis of these plays and screenplays come out of a certain sensibility that manifested itself in Greenpoint, Brooklyn in ... Version 23
This is about the 23rd version of this monstrosity of a website called SPILLWAY.COM. This site started out as a ...
Atari Time Machine
This is a short video I meant to produce for the longest time. It records attempting to retrieve a time ...
The Sloane House YMCA – Infernal Machine
I posted this archive as a sort of anniversary. I won’t say how many years as it’s embarrassing or difficult ...
TOP PEG – Underground Cable Show
TOP PEG was an underground cable access show that aired on the New York City’s Manhattan Neighborhood Network in the ...
Hidden Alignments Documentary – NYC Masonic Obelisks
This is a short documentary about the curious alignments of a few Masonic Obelisks in New York City. A transcript ...
Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Paulinus
This rough assembly of the Feast and the "La Festa dei Gigli" (the Feast of the Lilies) is from the ...
Final Performance of the Pratt Steam Whistles
The final performance after 50 years of the Pratt Steam Whistles in Brooklyn on New Year's Eve 2015. The massive ...
Welk Cruise
This was an exploration into a blue screen Lawrence Welk sea cruise coupled with odd frequency limiters. The cruise is internal and subjective ...
Plant Consciousness Test Number 1 with IBVA
Plant Experiment 1 - IBVA from glasscapsule on Vimeo. This is a short phone clip of a laptop running the ...
Planetary Brother Shortest Light
PLANETARY BROTHER SHORTEST LIGHT from glasscapsule on Vimeo. Remix by Glasscapsule. ( for The Past Re-imagined as the Future Contest ...
Mayan Cyclical Calendar
UPDATE 2020: The original calendar was created and animated in Adobe Flash, but now needs to be converted into HTML5 ...
Endless Flight of the Phoenix
This is a short film from way way back. It was made up of old and new super8 footage. It's ...
House of Darkness
This is a short film which was recently dreamt up. Jill finally admits why the power went out. She tends ...
Shocking Browne – The Shok and how they Do It
Colorful dancers get kaleidoscopic to this feverish track from heavycreme musics. vid by glasscapsule and heavycreme ...
Radio Free Blissville
Radio Free Blissville is a short film made in 2009 directed by J.F. Culhane. A version of the short premiered ...
Wardenclyffe: Telsa’s Lost Dream
Originally written in 2011 - Updated 2021 With all recent oil panic and near nuclear meltdowns I decided to venture ...
The Strange World of Maxwell Maltz
This is a documentary about the famous plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz. He wrote plays which included himself as one of ...
Thee Humwawa
HUMWAWA ”“ The Very Last Recordings DOWNLOAD ZIP OF ALL Right or control click to download any mp3 or zip ...
The Orion Correlation Theory via Google Earth
I've always been obsessed with Pyramids and Pseudoscientific Pyramidology. A theory I've heard about over years is the correlations between ...
Circuit Bending Workshop – Bent Fest 2010
This was from a circuit bending workshop in Dumbo in 2010 that was part of Bent Fest. People just brought ...
Dr. Sax Documentary Excerpt
Lowell Massachusetts is the territory of the mysterious Dr. Sax. Jack Kerouac wrote six books about Lowell, and he is ...
Creepy Kids’ TV Shows that Destroyed my Life
Every once in a while I think back to my childhood to examine what went wrong. I tend to flip ...